Your tailored certification
Only practice-relevant content depicted in customer reality. Our training programs have been improved and matured over the years and the content is taught by our certified and award-winning lecturers.
We offer tailor-made examination modules that are put together according to your requirements, depending on your role and experience.
In addition to short online examinations per module, which eliminates the long learning process for a large final examination, these are reports or case studies, workshops and simulations or interviews.
It is about testing situational practical competence in your professional reality. You can be sure: through the certification exams, your employees have not only demonstrated knowledge, but also specific skills. The forms and content are designed in such a way that exams are an instructive, motivating experience.
IFoBL Path
Tailored module solutions
We compile the modules individually for you - either according to a standard plan established by us or according to your requirements. We would be happy to advise you!
We can also create and integrate your own in-house modules for you. Optionally, individually designed final exams can be added (e.g. assessment centers, interviews, simulations, field reports).
Recognition of your company certification
The IFoBL certification contains a level of qualification which, on its own, largely meets or exceeds requirements that exist within the framework of current certification standards. This gives the opportunity to also acquire the certificates of standard holders by recognition. Therefore, if you wish, we will also take care of the recognition processes of standard holders, so that you can (additionally) also receive these certificates - ideally without further examinations.
Depending on the design of your company certification, additional assessments (bridging assessments) may be required .
Note: some standard holders do not provide any recognition options (bridging), so that the full examination must be completed.
In all cases, IFoBL will take care of everything for you (recognition, admission, formalities). Your employees and you only care about knowledge, skills and abilities.
Contact us now and see for yourself.